Get an annotated online bibliography on small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. Resources are classified under eight themes: Right to Resources, Gender in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Disasters and Climate Change, Decent Work, Fisheries Trade, Aquaculture, Biodiversity and SSF Guidelines
Women engage in a wide range of activities in fisheries, including paid and unpaid work and liaison with institutions. In several countries, women dominate inland fishing and aquaculture. Their play multiple roles – in seafood processing plants, as caregivers in the family, as the builders of social networks and community.
Gender issues focus not on women only but on their relationship with men, on their roles, rights and responsibilities. They acknowledge that these vary within and between cultures as well as by class, race, ethnicity, age and marital status.
The 2014 SSF Guidelines are based on the principle of gender equality and equity. They integrate gender issues into all small-scale fisheries development strategies.
Mobile populations such as sea nomads and their multi-local sense of belongingness have always presented as a challenge to the normative concepts of citizenship and rights couched in the hegemonic...
No-take Marine Protected Areas (Nt-MPAs) constitute an indispensable tool for biodiversity conservation. Nevertheless, there are other instruments such as marine coastal co-management policy frameworks which may be also considered as...
There are growing academic and policy debates on how best to govern MPAs, concerning the benefits and risks of different governance approaches and instruments. This echoes the broader debates on...
The Tarevalata people call their traditional lands and coastal reefs by the same name as the clan, Tarevalata. In fact, the clan is named after the land. Situated on the...
Property rights and marine tenure have a crucial bearing on questions of resource sustainability for the MBP and there is a need to understand how institutions help users cope with...
Marine protected management has gained acceptance as a way forward to achieve enhanced biodiversity outcomes. Simultaneously, co-management has gathered momentum as a mechanism to incorporate indigenous cultural aspirations within environmental...
Implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has always a step-zero, i.e., an initial phase when the idea is incepted, communicated and negotiated among stakeholders. What happens during this phase is...
Flood plain fisheries make an important contribution to the total freshwater catch of Africa. Rules and institutions controlling access to these fisheries have received little attention in the literature. This...
Flood plain fisheries make an important contribution to the total freshwater catch of Africa. Rules and institutions controlling access to these fisheries have received little attention in the literature. This...
In recent decades, Pacific Region indigenous sea tenure regimes have received considerable attention from social scientists who believe that marine-localized common entitlements and fishing practices can aid modern littoral fisheries...