What’s New, Webby?
A new gender initiative
By Tara Daniel (tara@wedo.org), Programme Manager, Women’s Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
The Gender Climate Tracker (GCT) mobile app and online platform provides experts, practitioners, decision-makers, negotiators, and advocates with easy, on-the-go access to the latest and regularly updated information on policies, mandates, research, decisions, and actions related to gender and climate change. The app, available through the AppStore and GooglePlay, and online platform (https://wedo.org/gender-climate-tracker-app/) serve as a hub of information related to gender mandates within climate policy, the participation of women in climate negotiations, and tracking of gender-specific progress in each country. By reviewing, compiling, and publishing this information, the GCT empowers civil society, governments, and citizens to hold their governments accountable to their gender commitments. In addition, users can submit content.