Women’s Foot Print in History

By Ramya Rajagopalan (ramya.rajagopalan@gmail.com), Programme Associate, ICSF

The UN Women, as part of the International Women’s Day Celebrations, opened a new interactive page, using multimedia to document the timeline for women’s foot print in history over the years.

The site opens up with the history from 400 B.C, where the first female gynecologists was recognized. It chronicles some of the women leaders including nun Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz of Mexico, who defended women’s right to education in 1691. It flips between the past and present trend in these aspects. The issues covered include the right for decent work for women, voting rights to women, women’s rights to be covered by media and work in media, women’s rights movements, women’s role in, women’s role in peace campaigns especially for social justice, ethno-cultural reconciliation and indigenous people’s rights, demand for pay equality, women’s right to confer nationality to their children, women’s right in protecting the livelihoods of their communities, women’s access to land and credit, and to recent campaigns against child marriage.

This multimedia is part of the UN Women campaign for Planet 50-50 by 2030, to step up for gender equality, and may be accessed at:
