Conference Name:Technical Workshop Social protection to foster sustainable management of natural resources and reduce poverty in fisheries-dependent communities Rome, 17-18 November 2015

Date: 17-11-2015

Abstract: “Social protection” has a much wider meanings than “social security”. Social protection has been described by the FAO Secretariat as “all interventions from public, private, voluntary organizations and informal networks to support individuals, families, households and communities in their efforts to prevent, manage, and overcome a defined set of risks and vulnerabilities”.

For this study risk is defined as exposure to the possibility of loss, injury, or other adverse or unwelcome circumstance, and vulnerability as the state of being susceptible of suffering loss, receiving injury or being affected by an adverse of unwelcome circumstance. ICSF would like you to identify risks facing small-scale fishers, fishworkers, fishing communities and indigenous peoples in your country, province or locality as well as the vulnerabilities they are susceptible of. Using the categories of schemes listed below, we would like you to list the State and non-State interventions that address these risks and vulnerabilities, with a special emphasis on the marginalized and the excluded including old persons, women and children as well as the indigenous peoples. Social protection is differentiated into: Protective measures to guarantee relief from deprivation; preventive measures to avert deprivation in various ways; promotive measures to enhance capabilities and build/strengthen resilience; and transformative measures to pursue policies to address power imbalances in society as well as to secure access and use of resources (see Devereux, S. and Sabates-Wheeler, R. 2004).

Objectives of the Survey

The objectives of the survey—in the context of risks and vulnerabilities identified at the national, provincial and local level, as appropriate, in small-scale fisheries — are to:
(a) Document State and non-State social protection schemes in relation to:
(i) poverty reduction/empowerment;
(ii) sustainable use of fishery resources; and
(iii) mitigation/adaptation to natural disasters
(b) Determine access to universal and targeted social protection measures; and
(c) Assess, based on evidence, the effectiveness of social protection measures in achieving (a) (i); (a) (ii); and (a) (iii).