Conference Name:National Workshop for Preparation of India’s Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (NPOA-IUU), 23 – 24 April 2018, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Date: 23-04-2018

Abstract: * IUU flagged for the first time in FAO’s COFI 1999
* Expressly an illegal activity or an activity undertaken with little regard for applicable standards
* Applies to capture fisheries conducted within areas under national jurisdiction or the high seas
* Illegal fishing activities, unreported fishing activities and unregulated fishing activities that involve fishing, transport and support vessels within the jurisdiction of the coastal State, flag State, port State and the market State as well as within the jurisdiction of regional fisheries bodies
*IUU fishing poses a threat to the effective conservation and management of many fish stocks with adverse consequences for livelihoods and food security
*Restrictions on the harvest of juvenile fish are not respected; gear restrictions and basic safety requirements are violated; fundamental rights of fishers in relation to wages, safety standards and living and working conditions are denied
*IUU fishers are “free riders” who benefit from the sacrifices of legitimate fishers
(FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries 9 on Implementation of the IPOA-IUU…