
All ICSF Publications and Films


Here’s a catalogue of all publications and films ICSF produced from 1986 onwards, all of them available online. Over 35 years, these publications and films have carved out a niche. They inform the world of fisheries, providing perspectives on small-scale and artisanal fisheries.

A compilation of all ICSF publication from across areas of work.


Index of all ICSF’s Publication


Global fisheries trends and the future of fishworkers, Samudra Dossier No. 3

The redevelopment of industrial fishing the conquest of new fishing zones in Third World countries the industries development of aquaculture the emergence of outside investors in the small-scale fishing sector...

Resource Management: European Viewpoints

In Lisbon, Portugal, in June 1989, about one hundred scientists, fishermen and organization representatives from 25 different countries met at a symposium to develop their thinking on these questions. This...

Rapport du Symposium international sur l’environnement marin et l’avenir des travailleurs de la pêche, Lisbonne, Portugal, 19-24 juin 1989

L’Agence norvégienne de développement (NORAD) a de plus invité 15 délégués du Tiers Monde à visiter les pêches et les pêcheurs norvégiens à l’issue du Symposium. Dans la même allocution...

Report of the International Symposium on Marine Environment and the Future of Fishworkers, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-24 June 1989

Fish plays an important role in securing nutritional requirements of coastal populations. It is also a source of export markets in the developing countries. However this tension manifests in the...

Afrique de l’ouest – Pêche artisanale Défis et enjeux

Trois scientifiques africains du Ghana, du Sénégal et du Togo analysent et présentent dans ce dossier l’histoire, l’évolution, les réussites et les échecs des efforts engagés pour le développement de...

Film – A Step Forward: A Film on Women Fishworkers in India

This short film explores the role of women fishworkers in selected regions of India. It looks at some of the problems they face in their daily work and the initiatives...

Report of the Trivandrum Workshop Towards an International Collective in Support of Fishworkers, November 20-25, 1986

This is the proceedings of the Workshop on Issues in Fisheries Development organized by the SIFFS (South Indian Federation of Fishermen Societies) and the Centre for Development Studies in Trivandrum,...

Report of the International Conference of Fishworkers, and their Supporters, Rome, July 4–8, 1984

This report documents the international conference of fishworkers and their supporters that took place in Rome, Italy from July 4-8, 1984. The conferences was an historical event, fishworkers the main...

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