The gallery contains a collection of photographs published in issues of the SAMUDRA Report and the Yemaya Newsletter, as also other ICSF publications, workshops and meetings over the years. Also to be found are more general images of fishing and fishworkers in action across the world. There are about 10,000 photos from 64 countries. The photo database is searchable by caption, country and photographer. All images are free for download, though users are requested to credit the photos to ICSF and the respective photographer.
A poster in Vizhinjam, Kerala, India, identifying fishermen from the village still missing after the cyclone.
Photo credit: Manas Roshan
Opening of the UN Ocean Conference’s Kava ceremony. Presentations and sharing of each subject related to SDG14 were organized as Partnership Dialogue.
Photo credit: Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform of the UN
Participants at the festival: A unique opportunity to travel the seas and coasts of the world and to understand the world as it goes, with its drifts as well as its beauties and successes.
Photo credit: Philippe Houssin
Each year, the festival offers an opportunity to discover amazing movies through their creativity, originality and emotion in the diverse and complex realities of the lives of fishermen and their communities.
Photo credit: Philippe Houssin
Father and son, Gordon and Dylan Beaton, fishermen both, lifting a bait box. After decades of neglect, change is on the horizon for Canada’s fishing communities.
Photo credit: Ruth Inniss
Lois is one of the first women to be an active deck fish harvester in coastal Nova Scotia. Lois has fi shed since 1982 with her husband.
Photo credit: Ruth Inniss
Fishing crew leaving for the job, Dares Salaam, Tanzania. The WAVUVI Scheme is one of the most innovative social-security schemes directly targeting fishers.
Photo credit: Jairos Mahenge
Women sardine traders awaiting for fishing vessels to dock, Tanga, Tanzania. Tanzanian fishers employed by industrial fishing vessels are comparatively better organized and better-off since they fall under the formalized employment regulations.
Photo credit: January Ndagala
Landing of the catch, Prampram, Ghana and in fisheries, child labour and trafficking occurs across the entire value chain, from downstream to upstream activities.
Photo credit: Jean Rivel-Fondjo
Fishermen day celebration, Cabo Blanco, Peru. Small-scale fisheries in Peru is extraordinarily diverse, particularly in terms of the gear used to gather or catch resources.
Photo credit: Juan Carlos Sueiro
Gillnet craft at Chimbote bay, Peru. The markets range from the country’s smallest villages to its largest cities as well as international destinations across the world.
Photo credit: Juan Carlos Sueiro
Koli fishermen, Machimar Nagar, Mumbai, India. Sculpture by Debanjan Roy, public art initiative by RPG Art Foundation.
Photo credit: Gaurav Mangela