The gallery contains a collection of photographs published in issues of the SAMUDRA Report and the Yemaya Newsletter, as also other ICSF publications, workshops and meetings over the years. Also to be found are more general images of fishing and fishworkers in action across the world. There are about 10,000 photos from 64 countries. The photo database is searchable by caption, country and photographer. All images are free for download, though users are requested to credit the photos to ICSF and the respective photographer.
A woman inter-tidal mussel harvester, Dwesa Cwebe, in Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Photo credit: Jackie Sunde
A fisherwoman at Thongwa fish market, Yangon, Myanmar. Fish is an extremely important component of the Myanmar diet, and demand is growing quickly as the country urbanizes and incomes rise.
Photo credit: Gareth Johnstone
A dugout canoe fisherman from a tribal community in Cacra, India, inspecting his fishing net.
Photo credit: John Kurien
Kovran village fishers setting up Zapor, the traditional indigenous fishing tool for Kamchatka in Kovran river.
Photo credit: Oleg Zaporotsky
A young boy on a pirogue at Kayar fishing harbour, Senegal.
Photo credit: Mats Hellmark/Sveriges Natur
The New Delhi workshop provided a space for government representatives and small-scale fishworker organizations to freely engage with one another and exchange views and recommend action plans on how to take the concerns of small-scale fisheries on board.
Photo credit: ICSF
David Brown, Ujjaini Halim, M Illango and V Vivekanandan at a panel disscussion at the National Workshop on Capacity Building for the Implementation of the SSF Guidelines, New Delhi, India.
Photo credit: ICSF
The Bali workshop recommended that implementation of the SSF Guidelines would require the initiation of new actions, good practices and processes.
Photo credit: Lukman
Small-scale fishermen in Morocco. The small-scale fisheries sector is constrained by the lack of specific areas and the regulatory framework does not grant preferential access rights.
Photo credit: INFOSAMAK Center
Fisherfolk protesting against the port project at Hazira, Gujarat, India. The fi shermen fear that if the port is expanded anymore, they will lose their access to the creek.
Photo credit: Nilesh Vasava
Home workers and their families in Indonesia. MCS activities will work well only with the involvement of fisherfolk.
Photo credit: Ferry Latief