The gallery contains a collection of photographs published in issues of the SAMUDRA Report and the Yemaya Newsletter, as also other ICSF publications, workshops and meetings over the years. Also to be found are more general images of fishing and fishworkers in action across the world. There are about 10,000 photos from 64 countries. The photo database is searchable by caption, country and photographer. All images are free for download, though users are requested to credit the photos to ICSF and the respective photographer.
A true scholar, a great humanist, resource economist, photographer and friend of fishers, Francis T. Christy, Jr. continues to inspire through his writings.
Photo Credit: Nico Van Doorn
Opening and exchange of views session at the Tenth Meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (UNICPOLOS), 17-19 June 2009, in New York.
Photo credit: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Women and men of fishing communities protesting against the shrimp industry in Bangladesh. Many believe that aquaculture and shrimp farms have ruined their lives.
Photo credit: Natasha Ahmad
Small-scale artisanal fishermen with a four-log kattumaram at Valiyathura, Kerala, India. Fishermen like these rely on the position of stars for navigation and determining time.
Photo credit: SIFFS
Artisanal fishermen in a kattumaram, a traditional craft, off the coast of Trivandrum, Kerala, India. The traditional knowledge of south Indian fishers extends to interesting facets of celestial astronomy.
Photo Gallery: P. Robert
A woman in Bongolon, Guinea, standing in front of an inactive surveillance boat. West African nations need more monitoring, control and surveillance mechanisms.
Photo credit: Environmental Justice Foundation
Sekou (left) and Mohamed, teenagers helping out with the fishing in Guinea Conakry. Fisheries agreements between the EU and West Africa should promote sustainable fisheries.
Photo credit: Roman le Bleis
John O’Brien, a fisherman from the island of Inis Bo Finne (Inishbofin) in the west of Ireland. Small-scale fishers like O’Brien are caught in a vicious circle of ever-decreasing options.
Photo credit: Loic Jourdan
A punt fisherman in Arainn Mhor, the second largest island in Ireland. Small-scale fisheries can cushion fishery-dependent communities from economic and social hardships.
Photo credit: Seamus Bonner
Traditional women shellfish collectors in Cambados, Galicia, Spain. Small-scale fishing is vital to the economies, social fabric and cultural traditions of coastal communities.
Photo credit: Cornelie Quist
A love song sequence from the Indonesian film, Peujroh Laot. The film depicts the role and significance of the Panglima Laot in the fishery, and the legal and cultural landscape of Aceh.
Picture credit: John Kurien
A sampan, a traditional fishing boat in Malaysia, used by inshore fishermen operating in Zone A (up to five nautical miles). Malaysia’s national fisheries policy is up for review.
Photo credit: Sam
Norsalila Aris (SAM), Mohamad Shahrul Anuar (Moderator), Choo Poh Sze (WorldFish Centre) and Jamaluddin Mohamad (JARING) at the meeting.
Photo credit: Sam