
All ICSF Publications and Films


Here’s a catalogue of all publications and films ICSF produced from 1986 onwards, all of them available online. Over 35 years, these publications and films have carved out a niche. They inform the world of fisheries, providing perspectives on small-scale and artisanal fisheries.

A compilation of all ICSF publication from across areas of work.


Index of all ICSF’s Publication


Áreas de diversidad: Áreas marinas protegidas y comunidades de pesca artesanal: Recopilación de artículos de la Revista SAMUDRA

Esta colección de escritos proporciona una visión general de la estructura juridical para documentar y analizar las experiencias y opiniones de las comunidades locales en Panamá, México, España, Chile y...

Perspectives de genre : Sélection d’articles de Yemaya

Collection d’articles parus dans la revue Yemaya détaillant les difficultés rencontrées par les femmes dans le secteur de la pêche. Articles sur les femmes de  communautés de pêche  divers pays...

Des situations diverses : Aires marines protégées et communautés de pêche artisanale – Articles extraits de la revue SAMUDRA

Ce recueil d’articles donne un aperçu du cadre juridique et des processus de la CDB. Il documente et analyse les expériences et les points de vue de communautés locales du...

Aquaculture and its Genetic Resources: Corporations versus Communities Can Small Scale Fishing Communities benefit from Current Developments?

ICSF’s expressed interest in industrial aquaculture and its development is from the perspective of communities whose lives and livelihoods depend on activities related to small scale and artisanal fishing, and...

Local Knowledge and Fishery Management: This report was commissioned by ICSF, as a background study for the 2009 Lombok workshop

This report aims to elaborate some local practices of fishery management in Indonesia, which are based on current local custom as well as local agreement used as the basis of...

The India MPA Workshop Proceedings – Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Areas Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?, 21-22 January 2009, IMAGE Auditorium, Chennai, India

‘Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Area Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?’ is a workshop organized by ICSF at Chennai on 21-22 January 2009. This publication—the India MPA Workshop...

Fishing Community Issues in the Sundarban Tiger Reserve (STR): Report

The study focuses on fishing community issues in the Sundarban Tiger Reserve (STR). It provides an overview of the legal framework, and design and implementation of fishing regulations, and documents...

Social Dimensions of Sea Turtle Protection in Orissa, India: A Case Study of the Gahirmatha (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary band the Nesting Beaches of Rushikulya and Debi

This study focuses on the legal framework for sea turtle protection in the Indian State of Orissa. It documents the social consequences of turtle protection measures on fishing communities, and...

The Gulf of Kutch Marine National Park and Sanctuary: A Case Study

The Gulf of Kutch is situated in Saurashtra in the western State of Gujarat in India. The region is an arid peninsula. Economic development was historically centered around the port...

Parques reservados: Reservas Marinas y Comunidades Pesqueras de Pequeña Escala

Este dossier recoge varios artículos que sostienen que la conservación y el sustento están íntimamente relacionados entre sí y que los modelos de conservación no participativos e impuestos desde arriba...

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