
All ICSF Publications and Films


Here’s a catalogue of all publications and films ICSF produced from 1986 onwards, all of them available online. Over 35 years, these publications and films have carved out a niche. They inform the world of fisheries, providing perspectives on small-scale and artisanal fisheries.

A compilation of all ICSF publication from across areas of work.


Index of all ICSF’s Publication


Samudra for SIEM REAP, May 2007

Workshops and conferences, however interesting, can be exhausting, and tax the attention of even the most determined. We trust that won’t happen here, and to help you keep track of...

Guía del CIAPA: Una introducción al Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007

El objetivo que persigue esta guía consiste en presentar brevemente el Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007, adoptado en junio del mismo año en Ginebra, Suiza,...

El género en el punto de mira: Recopilación de artículos de Yemaya

Este dossier compila artículos seleccionados de Yemaya por región- Asia, África, América del Sur, Europa, slas del Pacifico y América del Norte. los artículos en conjunto proporcionan una panormámica amplia ...

Pêche artisans au Sénégal : État des lieux de la pêche artisanale du point de vue des communautés côtières

«Le secteur de la pêche au Sénégal connaît des bouleversements importants, et doit faire face à un avenir plein de défis. La pêche occupe une position prépondérante dans l’économie sénégalaise....

International Legal Instruments Relevant to Fisheries and Fishing Communities: A Handbook

This handbook provides detailed information for a wide range of legal instruments relevant to fisheries and fishworkers. It covers 114 legal instruments, categorized into the following seven themes: Human Rights,...

Regional Workshop on Post-tsunami Rehabilitation of Fishing Communities and Fisheries-based Livelihoods, 18-19 January 2006, Chennai, India

The Regional Workshop on Post-tsunami Rehabilitation of Fishing Communities and Fisheries-based Livelihoods was held in Chennai, India on 18 and 19 January 2006, with the participation of fishworker organizations, NGOs,...

Social Security for Fishworkers in Brazil: A Case study of Para

This study explores the status of Brazil’s social welfare system for the fisheries sector, from the point of view of democratization of access, the methodologies used and the extent to...

The Philippines Tuna Industry: A profile

This study deals with the tuna industry in the Philippines, which is among the world’s largest producers of tuna and tuna-like species. Centred around General Santos City, the “tuna capital...

Untangling subsidies, supporting fisheries: The WTO fisheries subsidies debate and developing-country priorities

This paper examines, from the fishery perspective of a developing country, the current debate on the role of fisheries subsidies in the context of the negotiations relating to the General...

The State of World Fisheries from a Fishworker Perspective: The Ghanaian Situation

This study attempts to better understand the status of artisanal/small-scale fisheries and fishworkers in Ghana. It aims to establish the pre-eminence of the artisanal sector, with the ultimate objective of...

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