The gallery contains a collection of photographs published in issues of the SAMUDRA Report and the Yemaya Newsletter, as also other ICSF publications, workshops and meetings over the years. Also to be found are more general images of fishing and fishworkers in action across the world. There are about 10,000 photos from 64 countries. The photo database is searchable by caption, country and photographer. All images are free for download, though users are requested to credit the photos to ICSF and the respective photographer.
Fish consumption accounts for 15 per cent of all animal protein consumed worldwide, more in the case of low-income food-deficit countries like Timor-Leste.
Photo credit: Steve Needham / RFLP
Focus-group discussions (FGDs) showed that, after a decade of functioning, community fisheries organizations have helped alleviate poverty.
Photo credit: Kaing Khim
Representatives of Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration, civil society, international development agencies and UN organizations, during discussions at the three-day meet.
Photo credit: Kaing Khim
View of the closing plenary in session, presided by COP11 President, Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of Environment and Forests, India.
Photo credit: IISD / Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Ryu Matsumoto, former Minister of Environment, Japan, and Hoshino Kazuaki, Representative of the Minister of Environment, Japan, hand over the gavel and COP Presidency to Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of Environment and Forests, India.
Photo credit: IISD / Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Tuna fish catch from pole-and-line fishers in Lakshadweep Islands, India.
Photo credit: Suresh Elamon
In deciding how to take forward the summary reports prepared by the SBSTTA on criteria for EBSAs, a compromise text proposed by the Chair was finally adopted at COP11.
Photo credit: Bona Beding
Matanhy Saldanha, a truly genuine leader and a good human being who put social issues and people before his personal needs.
Photo credit:
Nikhil Seth, Division for Sustainable Development; Sha Zukang, UNCSD Secretary-General; Izabella Teixeira, Brazilian Environment Minister; Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, Brazilian Foreign Minister; and Amb. Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, Brazil at the pre-conference informal consultations.
Photo credit: IISD/Earth Negotiations Bulletin
The Side Event, "Dialogue on the Human Rights Approach to Fisheries", organized by ICSF with others, prior to Rio+20 addressed access rights to resources and territories.
Photo credit: Naina Pierri
At the 30th Session of COFI a total of 41 States spoke on agenda item "Update on the Development of International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries”.
Photo credit: Brian O'riordan/Icsf