The gallery contains a collection of photographs published in issues of the SAMUDRA Report and the Yemaya Newsletter, as also other ICSF publications, workshops and meetings over the years. Also to be found are more general images of fishing and fishworkers in action across the world. There are about 10,000 photos from 64 countries. The photo database is searchable by caption, country and photographer. All images are free for download, though users are requested to credit the photos to ICSF and the respective photographer.
Participants at the workshop in Prainha do Canto Verde, Ceara, Brazil. Over eight months, CSOs conducted 14 national consultations as well as one regional consultation.
Photo credit: Claire Pattison Valente
The shrimp aquaculture project in Sanglang, Johor, Malaysia. Since 1970, the aquaculture industry has grown due to the introduction of semi-intensive shrimp farming.
Photo credit: Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM)
Malaysia's aquaculture industry has destroyed coastal areas and adversely affected the ecosystem.
Photo credit: Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM)
Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary; Senka Barudanovic, SBSTTA 16 Chair; and David Cooper of the CBD Secretariat at the plenary session.
Photo credit: IISD/Earth Negotiations Bulletin
The Constitutional Court of Indonesia in session to discuss the annulment of HP-3 concessions.
Photo credit: Kiara
The Reject HP-3 Coalition in front of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, campaigning for the rights of communities to access resources.
Photo credit: Kiara
Fishing provides direct and indirect employment to over six million people in Nigeria, including fishermen who are affected by pirate attacks.
Photo credit: B B Solarin
Fishing operations of small-scale and industrial fishermen in Nigeria are being hampered by pirate attacks.
Photo credit: B B Solarin
Researchers discussing the outcome of a study with a fishing community in Costa Rica, which is working to sustain livelihoods and promote conservation of resources.
Photo credit: Coopesolidar R.L
Fresh-caught cod on the deck of a jig boat in Kodiak, Alaska. Kodiak jig fishermen collaborated with the AMCC to ensure entry-level access and enhance benefits to the sector.
Photo credit: Holland Dotts
SFCFA members loading pots in front of the waterfront facility on the fisherman's wharf. SFCFA hopes to open a retail store on the wharf soon.
Photo credit: Barbara Emley
Fishworkers, representatives of social movements and officials of public bodies at the launch of the signature campaign for a new bill.
Photo credit:
David Gongqose and co-accused with members of their community and their legal team. The community hopes that their freedom to enjoy their basic human rights will be upheld.
Photo credit: Derick Fay
David Gongqose with his legal representative, Jason Brickhill. David was arrested for attempting to fish in the Dwesa-Cwebe MPA, South Africa.
Photo credit: Jackie Sunde