The gallery contains a collection of photographs published in issues of the SAMUDRA Report and the Yemaya Newsletter, as also other ICSF publications, workshops and meetings over the years. Also to be found are more general images of fishing and fishworkers in action across the world. There are about 10,000 photos from 64 countries. The photo database is searchable by caption, country and photographer. All images are free for download, though users are requested to credit the photos to ICSF and the respective photographer.
Advocate Nagasaila, Deepak Apte of BNHS, V Vivekanandan of ICSF, B C Choudhury of WII, Ashish Kothari of Kalpavriksh and Shekhar Kumar Niraj of Govt. of Tamil Nadu at the close.
Photo credit: Rohit Gusain / ICSF
69 participants at the workshop on “Fishery-dependent Livelihoods, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: The Case of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in India”.
Photo credit: Rohit Gusain / ICSF
Chandrika Sharma of ICSF, Tarun Shridhar of MoA, Y S Yadava of BOBP-IGO, Hem Pande of MoEF and V Vivekanandan of ICSF at the inaugural session of the Delhi MPA workshop.
Photo credit: Rohit Gusain / ICSF
Fishworkers and authorities in El Salvador discussing the outcomes of the workshop. The VG-SSF guidelines seek to protect and promote small-scale fisheries.
Photo credit: Funde
Participants at the TransparentSea meeting at Mbour, Senegal. The meeting found enormous shortfalls in most countries in levels of government transparency.
Photo credit: Kajsa Garpe
TransparentSea meeting participants taking a break at Mbour, Senegal. Lack of transparency can be seen as one factor that marginalizes small-scale fishers.
Photo credit: Kajsa Garpe
14th session of GFCM-SAC at Sofi a, Bulgaria, during 20-24 February 2012. GFCM is the first RFMO to acknowledge the role and rights of fishworkers in fisheries management.
Photo credit: GFCM/WWW.GFCM.ORG
Italian trawlers in Mazara del Vallo, Sicily, the most important Mediterranean fishing port. The ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007, covers employees of the fishery sector too.
Photo credit: Shoreline Scarl
Opening of the regional Voluntary Guidelines for Small-scale Fisheries (VG-SSF) workshop in Nicaragua. Such regional workshops helped raise awareness about the importance of such an instrument.
Photo credit: Coopesolidar R.L.
Kyle Moore filling bait bags with herring aboard Ahkiq III at the wharf at Pleasant Point, Passamaquoddy Reservation, Maine, US.
Photo credit: Fred Moore III